137+ Best Thinking Of You Quotes To Share Your Love (2024)

This collection of thinking of you quotes is for that someone special in your life.

When you want to tell someone they’re important to you in a special way, let them know that your thoughts have been centered on them.

Here’s some help.

137+ Best Thinking Of You Quotes To Share Your Love (1)

Good Thinking of You Sayings

1.) In a great romance, each person basically plays a part that the other really likes.
Elizabeth Ashley

2.) If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.
Claudia Adrienne Grandi

3.) The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.
Audrey Hepburn

4.) Romance is thinking about your significant other when you are supposed to be thinking about something else.
Nicholas Sparks

For Him

5.) Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness – Kindness in giving creates love.
Lao Tzu

6.) In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.
Virginia Woolf

7.) When I count my blessings, I count you twice.

8.) My day starts with thoughts of you.

9.) You’re my favorite daydream.

Check out: 150+ I love you more than messages.

For Husband

10.) Thinking of you, and counting the days until we’re together again.

11.) It scares me how much I think about you.

12.) I think about you constantly, whether it’s with my mind or my heart.

13.) I hope you’re thinking of me too.

14.) You’re the most caring person I know. I love that about you.

15.) Thinking of you makes my day.

Thoughts About You images and messages

137+ Best Thinking Of You Quotes To Share Your Love (2)

For Her

16.) My world is lonely when I’m not with you — thinking of you every minute.

17.) I can’t stop thinking about you.

18.) I lie awake at night thinking of you.

19.) A day without you is like a day without sunshine.

20.) Right now, someone is thinking of you. Ok, it’s me.

21.) You’re with me in my thoughts even when you’re not here.

22.) You’re the best part of my day.

See 137 I Miss You Quotes For Him.

23.) When I want to smile, I know exactly what to do; I close my eyes and think of you.

24.) I smile at the sky when I think of you.

25.) From the first day, I saw you, you had me. It was yours.

26.) Yeah, I’m thinking of you right now, and I can’t help it.

Check out the Best pick-up lines: funny, clever, and witty.

Thinking of You Sayings

27.) To think of you is to smile.

28.) Thinking of you is easy — I do it every day. Missing you is the heartache that never goes away.

29.) I decorate my mind with thoughts of you.

30.) I’m much more me when I’m with you.

31.) It must be a tough time for you with all that’s gone on. Please think of me like I’m thinking of you. You are close in my thoughts.

32.) If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.
Claudia Adrienne Grandi

137+ Best Thinking Of You Quotes To Share Your Love (3)

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Thinking About You Sayings

33.) Every time I think of you, I hug you in my heart.

34.) I cannot tell a lie: I miss you more than ever.

35.) When I talk to you, I fall in love over and over again.

36.) I keep myself busy with things to do, but every time I pause, I still think of you.

See Good Morning Quotes.


37.) I just can’t get you off my mind, and why should I even try?

38.) If you think missing me is hard, you should try missing you.

39.) My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it’s surprising how often they head in your direction.

See Thinking of You Friend Messages.

40.) I think you’re suffering from a lack of Vitamin Me.

41.) If you were a library book, I’d never return you.

42.) You’re the answer when people ask me what I’m thinking about.

43.) I’m trying not to think of you, but it’s not working.

Check out Happy Birthday Beautiful Quotations and Greetings

Words of Affection

44.) My day is not complete unless I tell you I’m thinking of you.

45.) You are the first and last thing on my mind every single day.

46.) Do you even realize how amazing you are to me?

47.) You are very important to me.

48.) I could totally go for some of you right now.

49.) You = Awesome! Me = Lucky!

50.) You have no idea how fast my heart races when I see you.

51.) You’re like an Indian summer in the middle of winter.

52.) I love that feeling I get when I see your face.

53.) True love is the greatest adventure – especially with you.

54.) Thinking of your kindness to me and smilin’!

55.) And just like that, all the love songs were about you.

See Valentine’s Day Messages

Quotes for Husband

56.) Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
Emily Brontë

57.) The Lord has given me a wonderful gift in the form of you, my hubby. I thank him every single day for this invaluable gift in my life.

58.) The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.

59.) My spouse is my shield; my spouse is my strength.
Amit Kalantri

60.) A spouse is not a destination but a fellow traveler.

61.) A good husband makes a good wife.
John Florio

62.) You’ve been my inspiration. Through the lies, you were the truth.
Celine Dion

63.) For it was not into my ear, you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
Judy Garland

Love Quotes

64.) I would rather spend one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.
J.R.R. Tolkien

65.) Every beat of my heart belongs to you, every ray of sunshine comes from you, and every whiff of air that I breathe, I breathe for you.

66.) My husband is a pivotal anchor in my life. His influence encourages me to be independent and take risks.
Padmasree Warrior

67.) Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, and always will.
Elaine Davis

68.) It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight.
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

Happy Marriage Quotes

69.) The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they’re right if you love to be with them all the time.
Julia Child

70.) Each day, I love you more, today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
Rosemonde Gerard

71.) An easy-going husband is the one indispensable comfort of life.

72.) The best feeling in the world is kissing someone for the first time when you’ve really wanted to kiss them for a long time.

73.) We are all a little weird, and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours. We join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it Love.
Dr. Seuss

74.) My heart is and always will be yours.
Jane Austen

75.) You are the source of my joy, the center of my world, and the whole of my heart.

Sweet Love Quotes

76.) I love you more with each passing day.

77.) Your love is the doctor to my wounds, friend to my sorrows.

78.) When the evening shadows and the stars appear. And there is no one there to dry your tears. Oh, I hold you for a million years. To make you feel my love.

79.) A strong marriage rarely has two strong people at the same time. It is a husband and wife who take turns being strong for each other in the moments when the other feels weak.
Ashley Willis

80.) Husband and wife relationships are like the relationship of Tom and Jerry. Though they are teasing and fighting, but can’t live without each other.

Quotes for Wife

81.) You are my love story, and I write you into everything I do, everything I see, everything I touch, and everything I dream; you are the words that fill my pages.
A.R Asher

82.) Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.

83.) A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.
Elbert Hubbard

84.) I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride.
Pablo Neruda

85.) You’re my favorite place to go when my mind searches for peace.

86.) I promise to love you forever, every single day of forever.
Stephenie Meyer

87.) I look at you, and I can’t believe someone didn’t think you were enough… you’re my everything.
Steve Maraboli

88.) Every single day that I spend being your wife, I realize how lucky I am to live such an amazing life. I love you.

Thinking of You – Friend

89.) My heart dances with joy when I think about you.
Debasish Mridha

90.) Words fall short whenever I want to tell you how special you are to me, but all I can say is, that my world is full of smiles whenever I think of you.
Natalie Anderson

91.) Late at night, when all the world is sleeping, I stay up and think of you. And I wish on a star that somewhere you are thinking of me too.
Selena Quintanilla Perez

92.) Just thought I’d let you know I’ve been thinking of you. So I thought I’d brighten up your day and bring a smile to you, praying God will touch your life in a more meaningful way and that you’ll feel the warmth of God today and every day.
M.S. Lowndes

93.) If instead of a gem or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give.
George MacDonald

Thanks for Being You

94.) When I think of you, I think of kindness, wisdom, and love. Thanks for being you.
Sam Crow

95.) Where else would any sane man want to be but in your eyes, your heart, and your arms, a sea of passion ever moving, beating like my heart when I think of you.
Greg Mendoza

96.) Thinking about you is no longer an activity or a habit; it is now my way of life.

97.) Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
Marcel Proust

98.) Some people are so much sunshine to the square inch.
Walt Whitman

137+ Best Thinking Of You Quotes To Share Your Love (4)

Missing You

99.) This is a hug from me to you to let you know I am thinking of you. And although I have nothing to say, you know I have thought of you today.

100.) Somewhere someone is thinking of you. Someone is calling you an angel.
Henry Rollins

101.) So, here I am, all by myself, thinking of you – no one else. There’s a feeling inside, and as hard as I try, it just won’t go away.
Angel Hema

102.) They say that time heals all wounds, but all it’s done so far is give me more time to think about how much I miss you.
Elizabeth Wilde

103.) I think of you with every waking moment of my life and dream of you with every dream that I have; I miss you.
Kong Moua

104.) Thinking of You is easy – I do it every day. Missing you is the heartache, that never goes away.
Michael Pryce

105.) Thinking of you every; second, minute, hour, day, is medication to my illness of missing you.
Michael Jackson

106.) Lost in loneliness and pain. Black and unendurable, Thinking of You with every Corpuscle of my flesh, in Every instant of night And day.
Kenneth Rexroth

107.) I wonder if that’s just how it feels to miss someone so bad – like being stabbed in the gut a little bit each time you think of them.
Kate Ellison

Short Thinking of You Quotes

108.) Missing you is like torture, and thinking of you is bliss.

109.) If it’s the thought that counts, then I’ll be counting a lot today.

110.) If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I’d be picking roses for a lifetime.
Dylan McNair

111.) Love reckons hours for months and days for years, and every little absence is an age.
John Dryden

112.) I have learned how to make time pass, but I never stop thinking of you.
Abbas Kazerooni

113.) There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.
Mahatma Gandhi

114.) Laughter, acceptance, love… these are the things I think of whenever I think of you.

115.) There’s solace in the thought that I will never finish missing her.
Jim Croce

Heartfelt Thinking of You Insights

116.) Do you know I never ever feel bored, never ever feel lonely, because you are always in my thoughts, morning, afternoon, and night.
Mitch Cuento

117.) A life without you is like a life without music. You are the sunshine on my face and the music in my heart.
Alfiya Shaheen

118.) I am thinking of you, In my sleepless solitude tonight. If it’s wrong to love you, then my heart just won’t let me be right. ‘Cause I’m drowned in you, And I won’t pull through without you by my side.
Mariah Carey

119.) Where else would any sane man want to be but in your eyes, your heart, and your arms, a sea of passion ever moving, beating like my heart when I think of you.
Greg Mendoza

120.) I saw two fallen branches in the shape of a heart. Thought of you.
Stephanie Perkins

121.) You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and the beat in my heart.

122.) I’ve been thinking about you constantly since I left, wondering why the journey I’m on seemed to have led through you. I know my journey’s not over yet, and that life is a winding path, but I can only hope it somehow circles back to the place I belong. That’s how I think of it now. I belong with you.
Nicholas Sparks

123.) Thoughts of you warm my heart like the sun’s rays on a cold winter morning.

Sincere Thinking of You Quotes

124.) Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.
Kay Knudsen

125.) Every now and then, my heart wanders back in time, and all those old feelings awaken the memories in my mind.
Fad Ibra

126.) I am thinking about you, and I know that the easiest thing is to spin and continue. But the hardest thing is to stay and try to believe again.

127.) Somewhere someone is thinking of you. Someone is calling you an angel. The person is using celestial colors to paint your image. Someone is making you into a vision so beautiful that it can only live in the mind.
Henry Rollins

128.) They say that time heals all wounds but all it’s done so far is give me more time to think about how much I miss you.
Elizabeth Wilder

129.) A life without you is like a life without music. You are the sunshine on my face and the music in my heart.
Alfiya Shaliheen

Every Day Thinking of You

130.) I’ve been thinkin’ ’bout you, wondering who’s stuck in your head at night. Wonder if I ever cross your mind, keeping you up in your bed at night.

131.) Your thought has taken over my body and my soul, and now I discovered your thoughts have taken over my whole being, I find myself thinking about you even in odd times.

132.) May brooks and trees and singing hills join in the chorus too, and every gentle wind that blows sends happiness to you.
Irish Blessing

133.) Whenever I find myself thinking of you, I finally feel as if I am truly alive and enjoying life. Each moment of my day has a new, vivid life to it because thoughts of you are in my mind.

134.) You are the last thought in my mind before I drift off to sleep and the first thought when I wake up each morning.
Richard Kronick

135.) Thinking of you makes me happier than just about everything except being with you.
M.L. O’Halloran

Thinking of You Quotes for Friends

136.) Adult friendships are hard. Everyone is busy, and life happens. I’ve learned you gotta text people when you’re thinking of them. A simple, ‘Thinking of you, hope all is well,’ really goes a long way.
Rob Lowe

137.) And who knows, starting a new journey may not be so hard or maybe it’s already begun. There are many worlds, but they share the same sky, one sky, one destiny.
Shiro Amano

138.) When I want to smile, I know exactly what to do, I just close my eyes, and I think of you.

By Mike O’Halloran

Mike is an inventor, writer, and editor of Greeting Card Poet.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.